Silversound Newsletter July '23


Silversound Family,
Just want to take a moment and thank everyone for the continued support. Silversound is growing by leaps and bounds, and we’ve got a lot of great things to share with you in the coming months.

Silversound Newsletter July '23

To stay up to date with Silversound happenings, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

On July 29, instructor Dylan Osgood will provide a Silversound Spotlight masterclass on guitar. Dylan teaches audio engineering, bass, guitar, and ukulele and has been a part of the Silversound team since 2018.

voice Lessons Colorado Springs

Our next recital will be in August. Speak with your instructor to get more information.

For more information on the upcoming Silversound Spotlight sessions, email us!

Thanks for all your continued support,

Mark Young, Owner & Founder

employee highlight

Meet David Verdi!

david verdi
One of the first faces you see when you come in to Silversound Guitar is David Verdi, our office administrator. David has known Mark and instructor Jesse Klopfenstein for 3 years, and took the position at the front desk this January.

Like the rest of the Silversound staff, David is also a musician who has been playing bass and guitar since he was a teen.

“I used to teach swim lessons too,” says David, “So just like being in that lesson

environment and being in the same environment but with music, which is what I’m passionate about, is just like getting two birds with one stone.”

David runs the nerve center of Silversound, scheduling lessons, managing invoicing and billing, and providing any additional customer service assistance that folks might need.

“If you have any questions, need to do any scheduling or anything like that, I’m here for that kind of thing,” says David.

Say hi to David next time you’re in the studio, and if you have any questions about lessons, schedules, billing or anything else, you can reach David at 719-351-6566 or

November Newsletter

Follow Us on Social!

We’re hard at work creating new content for students of all skill levels! You can also watch past Silversound Spotlight Sessions and more. Give us a like, follow, subscribe, or whatever you do with YouTube videos, and tune in for more regular content.

Make sure you’re also following us on Facebook!


And on Instagram!!

November Newsletter

Silversound Jam Classes

Silversound Guitar offers hour long once a week jam classes! These classes are focused on performance with other people. The goal is to help you grow faster as a musician!


Do you have a band, album, or music event you want mentioned in the newsletter?

October Newsletter

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