march 2023



Silversound Family,
We at Silversound are super stoked that we have the opportunity to share our love of music with all of you, and help you and your families learn and grow as musicians. We are excited to announce our next recital, on April 15. Please contact your instructor for more information and chat with the front desk to secure a time slot.We’re also very excited to announce the return of our Silversound Spotlight series, where we invite music industry professionals to come in and give one-off classes on their experiences and specialties. In June, Silversound instructor Nathan Whittington will give a class on recording. Interested in home recording and audio production? Nathan will guide you through the basic principles of audio production, with advice on gear and techniques to get your sound down.

In May, Kevin Rodela will return to provide a class on the ins and outs of instrument maintenance. Kevin has been a fixture in the Colorado Springs music scene for decades, and is one of the most respected luthiers in town. Kevin has played in a host of local bands over the years, and has offered his repair expertise at a number of local music shops over the years. Now in business for himself, Kevin will walk us through the basics of instrument repair and maintenance.

Silversound June Newsletter

A good setup on a guitar or bass can make a huge difference for players of all skill levels. Setting intonation, adjusting the truss rod and pickup heights, and performing basic maintenance on frets and fretboards can make all the difference between an instrument that plays like butter and one that consistently frustrates you. Kevin will share his years of wisdom and expertise during an invaluable session for players of all skill levels.

Silversound June Newsletter

For more information on the upcoming Silversound Spotlight sessions, email us. To stay up to date with Silversound happenings, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Thanks for all your continued support,

Mark Young, Owner & Founder

November Newsletter

Follow Us on Social!

We’re hard at work creating new content for students of all skill levels! You can also watch past Silversound Spotlight Sessions and more. Give us a like, follow, subscribe, or whatever you do with YouTube videos, and tune in for more regular content.

Make sure you’re also following us on Facebook!


And on Instagram!!

November Newsletter

Silversound Jam Classes

Silversound Guitar offers hour long once a week jam classes! These classes are focused on performance with other people. The goal is to help you grow faster as a musician!

guitar lessons

Do you have a band, album, or music event you want mentioned in the newsletter?



October Newsletter

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